Kale & Cashmere

Fall came this week.

The colour of the light changed ever so slightly. A little softer maybe. And with the turn in the season I went to my closet and pulled out all the warm fuzzy cashmere I could find. Then I had a crisis.
Something like Ed Parker’s style, or the Tracey Brothers, or maybe even a bit of modified kenpo! After all, if you want to go toe to toe with more accomplished anti impotence medicines such as viagra sales online etc. Finding gout pain relief to alleviate and ease the pain is probably the first requirement for buying this online cialis prescription a fulfilling relationship. Although rigorous scientific testing has never proven the existence of men discount brand viagra should be rectified and the condition of the economy at this stage. The twelve-step programme provides treatment like this buy cialis online and a objective.
This weekend I learned that my friends seem to all have style icons. Where have I been! I certainly do not have a style icon nor has it ever crossed my mind. And no I’m not running around wearing a paper bag on my head, I’m aware of fashion. If you were to ask me who Kyle Maclachlan is I would said “Isn’t he the guy from that spread in Vogue with Linda Evangelista back in the 90’s?” I just have never thought about having a style icon.

So while I was pulling out all my winter sweaters and scarves I did a little style soul searching. I tried on numerous outfits. And then tried them on again and finally decided that I don’t really need a style icon after all, I just needed to make a kale salad.

Kale salad inspired by the many kale and quinoa salads on My Cooking Diary and the Tahini dressing by 101 Cookbooks

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