Just eat it!

One of my favourite dinners is one that usually requires a little extra time to pull together. But it isn’t cooking time, it’s fun time. I love charcuterie for dinner. Now you may think: why would that take extra time? I will tell you, I like to head down to Granville Island and make an afternoon out of getting dinner supplies.

Granville Island is basically a tourist and food junkies heaven. The Island is located under the Granville bridge right at the water’s edge. Which means, as well as being the perfect place to get all your supplies, it is also best enjoyed when you have a little time to take in the scenery, grab a coffee and relax rather than loosing your mind trying to fight the hoards of wandering tourists.

When I first moved to Vancouver I basically lived on the Island. I went to school there and had a part-time job in the market, so I feel like I have a pretty good handle on which shops to patron. The first stop, is actually a little off the island at les amis du fromage. Not only do they have a marvelous selection of cheeses but also, all the accoutrements your heart desires. A little cultured butter and quince paste anyone?

At the entrance to the island is a favorite building of mine, The Waterfall Building by the late great Arthur Erickson. I always have to stop and take a photo.

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Once inside the market meats, bread, fresh produce and yummy treats abound. Loris at Zara’s Pasta will hook you up with the best olives around and Oyama Sausage is my pick for a fantastic selection of meats and pate, just to name a few.

And with all the ingredients at home, just eat it!


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