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Beach picnics

This past week marked the passing of the best day of the year. July 12, also know as my birthday. When I was a kid I remember birthdays as being a pretty big deal. Friends would come over, sleepovers would be had and best of all my mom would make a treasure hunt and yummy goodie bags for us to search for. The anticipation was unbearable! It seems that as the years pass, birthday celebrations have become more and more low key.

Lucky for me my family is pretty on top of all things birthday and they often just give me a call and let me know that they are coming to visit on the big day. Things came to a new low this year when I didn’t realize just how close my birthday was until it was only two days away. No party was planned, no friends invited over, nothing. Although I really have been a party planning slacker this year, I did still manage to have a perfect day anyway.

Picnics are one of my favorite parts of summer and this year on the evening of my Birthday Scott and I packed up a picnic and biked down to the beach to watch the sunset. At the time I was mentally planning my post. I imagined that I would have spectacular photos of our fantastic picnic set up and I would give you Tina’s Step by Step Guide to a Perfect Picnic. However the evening had other things in mind and shortly after arriving at the beach it became apparent that the real star of the show wasn’t the picnic at all but the evening. On that note I’ll shut up and let the photos do the talking.
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Nothing beats a summer Birthday!

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