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The keepers – part 1

The great closet purge started one day after work.  I stopped by the wine merchant, grabbed a bottle of red and headed straight for my shoe closet. When I first decided that a total refresh was in store for my closet, I also decided that I was going to be methodical and a little cerebral about the whole thing. I did my research, read a million different suggestions on the right way to go about culling ones closet and some how I ended up spending 3 weeks just thinking and imaging what my new wardrobe would look like. Last week I realized that if I kept it up I was never going to have a closet full of lovely things. It was time for a change in strategy. Thus the bottle of wine and the shoe closet.

I started by basically opening the closet and throwing everything onto the floor. The shoes were then sorted into three piles, keepers, donations and just plain finished shoes. Well to be honest there is a fourth pile, it is the shoes that should get donated but i’m not ready to part with pile. All of the keepers were lucky enough to received the royal treatment; polish, leather protector, black suede was re-dyed, and a final shine/brush. They are all looking lovely and organized in the closet as I sit here writing.

Next I pulled a chair into the bedroom and hauled out the purse collection, which was another easy target. I don’t have a lot of purses but the ones I have are good ones and I try to keep them in good shape. I did however send a few into the donate pile. Finally, I moved onto the scarf box, but there wasn’t much to do there.

So, what did I learn from all of this?

  • I need some new coloured flats and a pair of summer sandals.
  • Never buy shoes that don’t fit you perfectly. No matter how much you love their look.
  • Get a good cobbler. I take my good shoe there often and have them resoles and reheeled.
  • If you buy good quality leather goods and take care of them they will last for years.
  • You can never have to many scarves!

Stay tuned, I still have a long way to go on my closet purge. With a little fear and trepidation I will be moving on to my jackets, dresser and finally the REAL closet.

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