Tag archive for skewer

Fresh eating

I feel like have I spent the majority of the last five days eating bread. We certainly are a bread culture here in North America, with our toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and dinner rolls for, well of course dinner. In a normal week I don’t tend to eat that much wheat, so after my last five days of bread binging I decided it was time for a bit of a break. So, gone are the flours, the wheat, dairy, sugar and all processed foods. Well for a couple weeks at least.


Eating with a specific list of no this, that or the other thing can often be a bit of a challenge. One trip to the grocery store will confirm that most of us have become so accustomed to eating pre-packaged, processed food, that cutting it out totally is no small feat. A couple of days ago while I was at the store I noticed that the girl in line in front of me had only pre-packaged foods in her cart, saved the raw pork belly. Yes I know, coming up with recipes and dinner ideas on the fly can be difficult and sometimes it is just easier to buy something. To help make dinner time a little easier over the next few weeks, I am returning to another treasured North American food mentality. Protien, starch and a veggie. I found that for myself, thinking of a meal in this way has made coming up with a meal plan a lot more manageable.

Anyway, when I was planning this particular dinner, I was thinking of a dinner that Ginger and I made together a very long time ago when I had gone to visit her for a few weeks one summer. We had made some sort of a red dipping sauce and chicken skewers. That is about all I can currently remember, but for some reason romesco sauce kept jumping into my mind. Now aside from the one time that Ginger and I may or may not have made romesco sauce, I don’t have any experience with making the sauce, or even what is traditionally included in the recipe. Some recipes seem to consist of just roasted tomatoes, others of tomatoes and roasted peppers and the variations went on. This version might be more closely related to mild muhummara than romesco but the result is a yummy, flavourful dish that will insure that you aren’t dissappointed to have left your bread and processed food behind. You can pair this sauce with a simple chicken skewer like I did here or use it as a dip for your veggies and crackers, or in my case rice cakes.


Red Pepper Dip

3 red peppers
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3/4 cup almonds
1 garlic cloves
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cumin
Juice of half a lemon
Salt & pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 F. Place peppers on a greased baking tray, turning them every 3 or 4 minutes minutes until the skins of the peppers are charred and blackened (about 15 minutes). Transfer peppers into a bowl and cover with cling wrap and allow peppers to rest for about 10-15 minutes, this will help the skin peel off. Peel off the skins and remove the seeds and stem.

In a small pan heat a splash of olive oil. Add onions to hot pan and sauté onions for 3-5 minutes. Place all ingredients to the blender or food processer and process until desirered consistancy is reached.

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