Tag archive for fail

Recipe fail


I don’t often spend much time regaling you with tales of recipe missteps. It seems like there is not much of a story there, only small oven fires. Of course I do have my fair share of disappointments, recipes that leave me with a pot of something that turns into leftovers for days. I’d rather forget some of those forays. But the truth is, part of the adventure of cooking is that it leads us down some unexpected paths.

The interesting thing about working on a food blog is that I get to be pretty adventurous with my cooking. There are not many meals in constant rotation at our house. Sure, we have our favorites, but more often than not, I am trying out some new recipe in hopes that I might happen upon something pretty or tasty enough to share with you here.

My fridge door is in constant flux with my most recent obsessions. I jostle for magnets and space with my son’s artwork – recipes and paintings side by side in the kitchen. There is a little counter, just the right size to catch the clutter, including a stack of cookbooks that I have been referencing and magazines I’m still reading.

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Whether it is my favorite magazine, a menu ingredient I just can’t shake or Instagram, I am always gathering ideas. Recently, a passing conversation on moonpies inspired a taste-off event – I baked up a batch to compare them to the standard convenience store staple. Goodness, they were delicious. And if you are really patient, I might even share them with you here one day.


Not so long ago, there was a foot of snow outside and it was Valentine’s day. I decided that I needed to bake a cake. With the chill of winter all around me, citrus sounded so good. I wanted something easy – the kind of cake you stir together before dinner without pulling out a mixer and dirtying a stack of bowls. It smelled heavenly in the oven, filling the kitchen with citrusy wafts. And since we were celebrating, I topped it off with a swirl of cream cheese frosting. In the end, it just didn’t up being all I had hoped it would be. As pretty as it looked, I feel like I would have to tweak the recipe before I would be happy sharing it here with you.

Until then, I’ll keep cooking.

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