Tag archive for oatmeal

The breakfast of champions

I’m pretty keen on breakfast. Going all the way back to the early days, oatmeal has always been a big part of my morning ritual. Though not always by my choice, it has been the grain of choice. But lately I’ve come around and embraced the goodness that is oatmeal. A warm bowl of oatmeal holds so many possibilities—sweet or savory, there are definitely options. Really, there is no reason to be bored with oatmeal.

Love it or not, summertime and hot oatmeal feels too stuffy. I want something a little fresher and cooler to start off my day. Right about now, something that plays off a bowl of fresh berries sounds just about right. And no, I’m not talking about ice cream! Enter the muesli…

Now I don’t have a lot of experience with muesli recipes, but this one is a good one. First off, it’s the perfect make-ahead breakfast for those on the go. Just throw a few things in a jar, pop it in the fridge and by morning, breakfast will be ready. I like to prep a little fresh fruit in the morning and I’m all set.

What’s more, this oatmeal has an amazing texture because of the chia seeds. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that if you don’t have chia seeds on hand, wait to make this until you can make that trip. Without them, the oatmeal doesn’t have nearly the same appeal.

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Adapted from Sarah Britton’s amazing blog

1 cup regular oatmeal

2 tablespoons chia seeds

2 tablespoons hemp seeds

1 cup milk (I’ve been using almond milk)

Stir together the oats, chia and hemp seeds. Add milk and stir well to combine. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Add additional milk to suit your preference. Combine with fresh fruit or yogurt for a perfect summertime breakfast!

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What was I thinking?

Like virtually everyone in the world I have comfort zones. Rules that I live by: I don’t touch raw meat, I certainly do not wear the shorts over tights look, and my home is always in a state of controlled chaos. Every line was crossed this week.

It all started when I turned down Scott’s offer to trim and cube the beef that I was planning to stew for a dinner we were having the next day. I should have realized that saying no to his offer would mean I would have to do it myself! I had decided to make My Go-To- Beef Daube by Dorie Greenspan, you can find the recipe in her cookbook Around My French Table.

I am the product of a vegetarian home. As a kid, we occasionally had turkey at Grandmas for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There was also that one very out of the ordinary occasion when grandma went out with the dog and grandpa’s rifle and shot a Christmas duck! And once in a blue moon my mom would come upstairs from the deep freeze with a couple of drum sticks and say she wanted fried chicken the way her mom made it. So, to say that I’m uncomfortable with raw meat would be the understatement of the year.

Last Saturday morning I could be found in the kitchen bemoaning the fact that I was stuck cutting the meat to Ginger who had graciously joined me with a bottle of rose via facetime from Paris.  What I wouldn’t have given to switch places with her! By the way, I would recommend that you run out and get Around My French Table and make that Beef Daube because it was fantastic, if I do say so myself.

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Now what about all those other insane little rules you maybe thinking. Well, on Monday I pulled out a pair of dressy charcoal short, black leggings and a pair of suede boots and marched right out the front door without even a second thought. On Tuesday chaos tipped the scale and the house became a disaster zone! 20 minutes before work I was scurrying around the house trying to tidy, moving things come one room to another and prepping dinner. Things ended badly with me nearly cutting off my finger.

Today I am about to cross the biggest thickest line of them all. I am kind of a private person. I have always felt that creativity is personal. Maybe I’m a little secretive or just don’t like having to explain myself or deal with critic. But most of my projects take place around the kitchen table and are only shared with a few people. Here I am laying it all out on the table, sharing my thoughts & ideas, my history & future and my life I guess. What was I thinking!

Now for some breakfast.

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