Tag archive for pims

Once upon a sick day

Blaise and I took a sick day today. Actually, it was more of a sick afternoon, but that has an awkward sound to it! Anyway, we ended up curled up in the sunshine with some time for a little relaxing and a little reading. As it turns out, Blaise is not keen on napping. However, he responds quite well to the notion of relaxing. So, relax we did! We built some blanket tents, got a few stacks of books and a couple of treats. We were set.

Lately I’ve been stuck in a spring cleaning mode. Thanks to Tina’s closet cleaning antics and a few other articles here and there, I’ve been feeling the urge to reduce the clutter around here. It turns out I might be a little bit of a hoarder, but I’m working on it. I still have a few too many boxes that have not been opened since I moved – that scares me just a little! Just the other night, I was trying to sort through some tightly packed book shelves and I found a special book from my childhood.

I am not sure if my memory serves me correctly, but I think this book came as a gift to me. Maybe from an aunt?  Anyway, it is a sweet book about three kittens and their mother. Each of the kittens have little adventures and it just so happens that one of the kittens is named Ginger, likely the reason why I received the book in the first place. Anyway, I remember it being a favorite and I was happy to see it again. Blaise has been stuck on the notion of being a little cat, so I think he might have some interest in this story.

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I have such happy memories of my reading adventures as a child that I can’t help but want to share those with Blaise. Whether it was our evening tradition of bedtime stories, trips to the library or encyclopedia reading over the lunch hour, they all stand out as special time where adventure and intrigue were always close at hand! Already I have a small collection of several of my favorites, including Tintin. There is still more time to build the collection, but I might need another bookshelf! But back to the kittens, they were quite the hit!

George gets up on the wrong side of the bed, Ginger wanders off into the world and Gigi decides she does not to share. And apparently, Mother takes care of Mother-Cat business! Reading the stories again, I feel like a kid, sitting in my childhood room alongside my sister.  But instead, we’re laying out in our little blanket tent with pillows and more blankets so we’ll be cozy. We’ve got treats, not to mention a stashed box of French Pims! Hoarder tendencies, what can I say! And suddenly, a sick afternoon is not quite so bad.

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